Learn How-To Get Rid of That Annoying Vista Popup (“U.A.C.”)



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Windows Vista has a security alert that is rather annoying. It is called, “User Account Control” (UAC). Every time you install a program or change a system setting on your Vista computer it pops up and makes you confirm the install or change. This is a good thing if you are a paranoid person or
[adblockingdetector id=”1″]a computer security freak. But if you are like me and have good security and anti-virus software then you may want to permanently disable this feature. There is an easy way to go into your Visa settings and turn the “UAC” feature off.

In the following Windows Vista User Account Control (“UAC”) video tutorial I will take you step-by-step and you will easily learn the following…
1. Find and open up the Control Panel
2. Navigate around and find the, User Accounts option
3. Find and select the User Account Control option
4. What option to check in order to disable the UAC popup

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