VIRUS WARNING: Beware of Facebook Scam Emails That Will Lead to a Virus or Your Account Being Stolen



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For the past few weeks I have been spammed by various emails posing as legit Facebook emails. If you receive ANY email from Facebook with an attachment DO NOT OPEN the attachment or you will get infected with a virus. Also if you receive an email from Facebook informing you that you need to update or change your password or login info DO NOT DO IT. You will be logging into a fake Facebook site and all of your login information will be stolen. Your Facebook account will soon be hijacked and locked out.

[adblockingdetector id=”1″]The only scenario that is okay is if you forgot your username or password and request on Facebook that they reset it. But still, make sure you follow the instructions of the correct Facebook email. Below are two scam emails I received. They are the most common ones being sent out.
From: Facebook Account Security []
To: Joey
Subject: Facebook Password Reset Confirmation.
Security Centre. Hey Joey , Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed. You can find your new password in attached document. Thanks, Facebook Account Security.

(NOTE: There is a Virus-infected file named, “” attached with this email)

From: Facebook []
To: Joey Subject: New Login System
Facebook Scam Message



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